
Han: Hello. 姑娘们。
Han: I brought you some rock star pudding to say
thank you. 我给你们带来了摇滚明星布丁来表示感谢。
Max: Oh, rock star pudding. What’s in it, pills? 摇滚明星布?里面加了什么料,毒品吗?
Broken dreams? Tear-stained panties? 破碎的梦想?沾满泪痕的裤子?
Han: Caroline? 卡洛琳?
Caroline: I’m not as easy as Max. 我可没Max那么轻易放过你。
Max: Said every girl in my seventh grade class.我七年级时,班里每个姑娘都这么说。
Han: Look, I was wrong. 听着,我错了。
Caroline: No, Han, I was. 不,Han,错的是我。
We should pay rent. 我们应当付店租的。
Han: I wasn’t talking about the rent. 我不是在说店租的事。
Caroline: Rent? Who said anything about rent? 店租?谁说店租了?
Han: I was wrong when I said “It wasn’t personal, it was business.”
After Max stopped me from being torn. 当Max制止了那些臭烘烘的嬉皮士。
Limb from limb by the smelly hippies, 把我胳膊腿大卸八块的时候。
I realized, with us, it is mostly personal. 我就意识到,咱们的交情大于一切。
And a little business. 虽然还有一点儿公事公办。
Max: A little business? 还有点儿公事公办?
What other kind could you have? 除了这事儿你没别的想了吗?
Caroline: Max, let’s not be hard on Han. Max别对Han这么强硬。
He’s giving us this space rent-free. 他是免费把这地方租给咱们的。
Han: No one said “rent-free”. 谁说“不要店租了”。
I came up with a number I think is fair. 我想到一个我认为公道的租金。
-$-250,000. -25万美金。
Max: –Yeah, sounds fair. -这价钱真公道。
Han: I remembered that was your original cupcake
shop goal.我记得这是你们手工蛋糕店的目标收益。
So when you hit that amount, we can talk rent.所以等你们赚到这个钱了,咱们再谈店租。
Max: Han, that is so sweet. Han 你真是太好了。